ArchiveService2Impl allows you to customize which entities are imported during the merge process. Previously, the list of allowable services was Hardcoded in the Service itself. All other behaviour, as well as the API, are the same. Configuration: All configuration is in archive/archive-impl/pack/src/webapp/WEB-INF/components.xml 1. Changing the path for archived files Change the "storagePath" property on the "org.sakaiproject.archive.api.ArchiveService" bean. 2. Changing Services whose entities are merged (impl2) A. You have the option of merging any and all entities from all Services Bean: org.sakaiproject.archive.api.ArchiveService Property: mergeFilterSakaiServices Possible Values: False - All Services are merged True - Services that are merged are taken from the mergeFilteredSakaiServices property B. To specify which services are merged in use the mergeFilteredSakaiServices property This is only used is 'mergeFilterSakaiServices' is set to true. Bean: org.sakaiproject.archive.api.ArchiveService Property: mergeFilteredSakaiServices Values: Takes a list of Strings. Each value should be the unqualified name of the Service. For example, org.sakaiproject.announcement.api.AnnouncementService, would just be AnnouncementService. 3. Changing Roles for which entities are merged Bean: org.sakaiproject.archive.api.ArchiveService Properties: mergeFilterSakaiRoles, mergeFilteredSakaiRoles These properties mimic the properties in 3, in that they control that only merges created by XYZ Roles are merged. Note: Some testing needs to be done to make sure this is really observed in all Services. TODO: describe the import architecture UPDATE 13-APR-2014: The original ArchiveService impl has been removed. See SAK-25866.