1.0 - BETA-2 2004-04-16 - Added feature: RenderEngine now has a method to read to a Reader - Added feature: Added Matcher, MatchResult, Pattern, Substituition, Compiler to decouple Radeox from a regex implementation 1.0 - BETA 2004-01-06 - Added feature: Radeox Developer Guide with examples - Added feature: lib/radeox-api.jar only contains the Radeox Renger Engine API interfaces - Fixed some bugs 0.9 - 2003-10-13 - Fixed bug: TableFilter did not render empty header - Fixed bug: XmlCodeFilter didn't work - Design: Made Macro an interface - Fixed bug: Code macro doubled > for XML - Fixed bug: Radeox hung with certain inputs - Added feature: Moved macro descriptions etc. to radeox_messages.properties - Added feature: Moved macro names, filter definitions of filters to radeox_markup.properties - Fixed some bugs with filter collisions (Strike and List) 0.8 - 2003-08-14 - Added feature: BoldFilter, ItalicFilter etc. now read their regex from radeox_messages.properties - Added feature: Filter support replaces() to indicate which other filters they replace - Fixed bug: Interwiki [SnipSnap@C2#anchor] with anchors did not work - Fixed bug: __bold__ was replaced when there where no spaces in front or behind - Added feature: MailTo macro, e.g. {mailto:stephan@mud.de} - Fixed bug: ant example did not work - Fixed bug: ---- was found by StrikeThroughFilter and not by LineFilter - Fixed bug: when aliasing links [alias|link#hash] the hash was ignored 0.7 - 2003-06-12 - Added feature: Moved to jakarta commons logging for logging - Fixed bug: // in file-path macro was not properly escaped - Added feature: Added workaround for some classloaders - Added feature: Support for nested lists 0.6.1 - 2003-03-24 - Fixed bug with MacroFilter performance (optimized regular expression) 0.6 - 2003-03-17 - Added feature: {xref} Macro points to xref generated source code - Added feature: Python macros - Design: Refactored MacroLoader to MacroRepository - Design: Added render() method to write to Writer - Added feature: WikiLinkFilter used for CamelCase link detection - Design: replaced Filter with FilterSupport and made Filter an interface - Added feature: [name] supports InterWiki mappings - Added feature: LinkTestFilter supports WikiLinks with [name] - Design: Added before() to Filter interface, before signals if the filter should be the first in the Pipe. - Added feature: macros and filters give hints when their output is cacheable. Use RenderContext context.isCacheable() after calling render() 0.5.1 - 2003-02-18 - Fixed bug: conf/* was not packaged correctly - Added feature: {table} understands SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN, e.g. =SUM(A1:A3) - Refactored: moved Parameters from MacroFilter to RenderContext - Refactored: Created MacroLoader - Design: Added RenderContext and freed RenderEngine from FilterContext 0.5 - Initial release