The functionality of adding prompt for questions during the site creation process is added according to SAK-12912. /****************** Steps for uploading the question definitions **************************/ 1. Admin user needs to use the Admin Sites tool to create a project site named "setupQuestionsAdmin" with Resources tool enabled. 2. In the Resources tool, create a folder named "config"; 3. Upload the question definition xml file with name "questions.xml" into the config folder. The first time Sakai invokes the Worsite Setup tool after the file is in place, the question definitions are loaded and are ready for use for Site Creation. /******************** template for questions.xml ***************************/ The template the questions.xml is as follows:
Please answer the following to help us understand how Sakai is being used for this project site.
More info In what capacity are you creating this site? Student Faculty Staff The primary use for this project site will be: Learning Research Administrative Personal Student group/organization Other
Please answer the following to help us understand how Sakai is being used for this course site.
The primary use for this course site will be: Student Faculty Staff
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The functionality to change question set after deployment is added SAK-14748: "For the set of questions to be asked during the Worksite setup, need to allow admin upload new question set, while preserving the old questions/answers/user responses" 1. The maintainer of site id="setupQuestionsAdmin"(id configurable) can still upload questions.xml file according to above steps. Once the file is loaded, db is populated with questions, and the questions.xml file is moved into a backup folder in "setupQuestionsAdmin" Resources tool. 2. In order to upload new question set, the maintainer just upload a new questions.xml into the config folder. The file gets read and Sakai inserts the new questions into db and marks previous questions as "old" questions. Only the current "new" questions will be asked upon user login, while all the old questions and answers are preserved in db. 3. The above question update process (step 2) can be repeated if needed.